Kleines Schaf
And Above All: THINK CHOCOLATE!! Betty Crocker
Affe und Kakaofrucht
Kein zweites mal hat die Natur eine solche Fülle der wertvollsten Nährstoffe auf einem so kleinen
Raum zusammen gedrängt wie gerade bei der Kakaobohne.
Alexander von Humboldt
Der Wolf
Il lupo famoso e pecora cioccolina
LINA is happy to say she found
a way to pacify the hunger of
The Big Bad Wolve - il lupo famoso
no longer he wants sheep meat
but the milk! he found out - melted
into chocolate puts him at ease
sheepmilk chocolate can pacify
his hunger seeds of pumpkin,
poppy and cannabis added on
elongate the peaceful rest from
orbital odyssee.
Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world's perfect food. Michael Levine, Ernährungsforscher

Winkende Katze
Salute from the wise white cats Stellino & Batuffolo
and here the story how they came into this world:
c'era una volta
once there was La Dama Blanca at one white house set in a
beautiful garden on the coast of spain. she was of royal
decent from the King of Siam and now married to a
spanish barron.
one day when she was visiting the flowers Capitano
Rosso the brave italian adventurer, sailor and wanderer of all
worlds - a powerful redhaired tiger he was indeed - and so he
passed by the fence seeing dama blanca he stopped and -
sure they fell in love - sure he find a way to overcome the fence.
she had so blue eyes like the sea in early morning at first light
of day with a little soft breeze - he loved so much when
leaving the shore and - yeah, sure some time into the year
there were little white babycats the fruits of their tender
Dama blanca placed them under the apple tree in
one velvet blue night on a bed of greengrass and enchanted by
a magic veil so that the barron and his adjutants could not
discover as - yeah sure they were white whith big blue eyes
with dusted ears, nose, tail and paws a redbrown tint like
walked past cinnamon - but it was redtiger papa showing
through and oh yeah - the spanish duke was very blackhaired
indeed. so.
Dama Blanca faced a big problem growing as the
babies grew up. she cried - but help was at hand! the skybark
'schiff argo' heard her crying - as he was sailing across
startrails and blue depths to cover distances between orbits
and planets Il capitano Rosso was one of his biggest friends
and he had done a big favour to him -mending the roar once
when it was broken - so now schiffargo returned the good
deed and helped to carry the babies away from dangerous
sights and sites.
... one other blue sunday they arrived at galaxy estrellas with
a little bad cold they caught from the long journey across blue
nightskies - Dottore Stellino really had a big sniff - but soon
became well as it was a sunny and friendly big space
backyard that he was dwelling at now food was extremely
good friendly neighbours and a lot of cinnamon at the frontdoor
shop where the lady of this house made chocolates with it for
example the famous chilispice-choc.
salute from the wise white cats to all visitors of estrellas
and dear Papas&Mamas if you want to tell your children of
Stellino and Batuffolo - please take the effort and translate it
to your private language tell it with your own words -
may wisewhite stars take guard upon you and help
good dreams on their way to littleones' big minds
Dr.S & Prof.B
Tartaruga - italian for turtle
What's in a turtle's shell?
Herkules made music on it
Soft delicate pastries in a shell
Hommage to the turtles undercover mastermind
Combination of ingredients,textures,flavours
to create a NEW chocolate.
Wine and Chocolate
a galaxy now discovered travelling its depth
from the research so far:
breuer riesling and rosepralines
mysterre de caussemarines und walnußmarzipan
spicechocolate and dark red grenache
riesling und mangomandelnougat auf quittengelee
currychocolade zu gewürztraminer
champagne and whitetruffle dessertstars a la framboise
muskateller and white gingerstripes
chilinougat and banyuls
grue de cacao serves 10 years aged sauternes...
michel cluizel chocolade and wine
many combinations possible....
One drunk chinese in fall's delirium
left his orbit
to meander
(in memoriam Jan Gelderblom)
Links to selected grapepickers and collectors:
Die WeinVilla
Kleiner Wal
You know, I live a monastic lifestyle. No, I do, I live in extremes, basicially,
I go back and forth. Once every six month, I will have a day, where I eat more choclate,
than has ever been consumed by a human being. Jim Carey
Rumpelstilzchen tanzt am Feuer,
freut sich heute ungeheuer,
schenkt der Müllerstochter gern
Pralinees mit Mandelkern
und gibt ihnen schöne Namen,
auf die andere nicht kamen.
(Text: Salah Naoura)
The Chocomaniac
Cocoa enriched being
with high density theobroma residuals
in substance matter
intake of cocoa in every form
in any way oral-nasal-banal-subcutan (only on prescription)
petrol station - supermarket - specialist dealers-lowshelve departement store - high level food emporium - bakeries - kiosk - spätkauf - drugstores - industry holiday jobs - icecreambox - cinema...
three dessert as a main dish from haute cuisine a la cartes...
mum's kitchen storage tin for cakes and christmas cookies...
currently at 85-88%
„Love chocolate completely, without complexes or false shame!
Remember, there is no reasonable man without a spark of madness!“
Francois La Rochefoucauld - french moralist and politician
If you want to tell of your greatest moments in chocolate... you can add your moments too and share them...
E-Mail esther@estrellas-chocolaterie.com Download Estrellas chocolate questionnaire!
Papier - a poem by Rose Ausländer
papier ist papier
aber es ist auch
ein weg
zu den sternen
zu sinnbild und sinn
blinden geheimnissen
zu den menschen
und hier geht es zu dem Sternhimmel-Architekten...
The ARCBUILDER of Estrellas universe. Access to Andreas Gratze www.a-h-g.at
Chocolate Eating Woman
„What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate!“
Katherine Hepburn
She has her moods and chocolate to suit them
... those dark almond days and pink pepper eves
milk caramel sundays and orange peel brakes
... in a white nougat haze
... moccanoire hours.
Just plain milk restarts - 85% intensities
peppermint eternities then ginger reconstitutions
and finally: Those Champagne Moments
- or a Grand Marnier ?
If you want to tell of your greatest moments in chocolate... you can add your moments too and share them...
E-Mail esther@estrellas-chocolaterie.com Download Estrellas chocolate questionnaire!
Kleiner Krieger
"All you need is love - but a little chocolate now and then does not hurt."
„Exercise is a dirty word - everytime I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.“ Charles M. Schulz
Little Warrior of everyday life
on his way fighting day to day routine... chasing a star...
Grosses Krokodiel
Ein altes Dielenkrokodiel
weinte ziemlich oft und viel.
Ein Bonbon war ihm ungewollt
in ein Dielenloch gerollt!
Es öffnete die alte Diele
und fand Bonbons - und zwar viele!
(Text: Salah Naoura)
An old woodenfloor crocodile
frequently and so much cried
cause he lost a candy rock
that rolled into a hollow log!
But as he pulled the old wood out
he found candies - yeah - a lot!
Das letzte schöne Sternentier
Blixa dixit:
ich bin das letzte biest am himmel
ich bin das letzte biest am himmel
das letzte biest am himmel
geh im osten auf
der osten ist rot
und im westen unter
ich bin das letzte biest am himmel
die letzte bestie am firmament
halt mich fest
halt mich fest
in der himmelsmitte
ich bin das letzte biest am himmel
ich bin das letzte biest am himmel
halt mich fest
ich trockne aus
es zerfällt mein licht
halt mich fest im zenit
weit weg
zwei, drei, mehr parsec weg von hier!
ich bin das letzte biest am himmel
ich bin das letzte schöne sternentier
ich bin das letzte fiebrige gestirn
halt mich fest, halt mich fest halt mich fest
in der morgendämmerung
(Blixa Bargeld - Texte für Einstürzende Neubauten)

Of Men and Chocolate
Here are some trying to describe the passion:
Everyone has a price - mine is chocolate.
I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.
John Belushi
Anything is good if its made of chocolate.
Jo Brand
You know, I live a monastic lifestyle. No, I do, I live in extremes, basicially,
I go back and forth. Once every six month, I will have a day, where I eat more choclate,
than has ever been consumed by a human being. Jim Carrey
Save the earth - it is the only planet with chocolate.
Dianne Castell
There is nothing better than a friend - unless it is a friend with chocolate.
Charles Dickens
Chocolate is God's apology for broccoli Richard Paul Evans
Life is like a box of choclates: You never know what you gonna get.
Forrest Gump
What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate!
Katherine Hepburn
Kein zweites mal hat die Natur eine solche Fülle der wertvollsten Nährstoffe auf einem so kleinen
Raum zusammen gedrängt wie gerade bei der Kakaobohne.
Alexander von Humboldt
When Plan A falls, move to Plan B: eat chocolate.
Schokolade ist Glück, das man essen kann. Ursula Kohaupt
Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world's perfect food. Michael Levine, Ernährungsforscher
If there is no chocolate in heaven, I am not going! Jane Seabrook
Las cosas claras y chocolate espeso - Spanisches Sprichwort
Ideen müssen klar sein und (trink)Schokolade dick
Chocolate makes everyone smile - even bankers. Benneville Strohecker - American chocolatier
Nine out of ten people like chocolate - the tenth person always lies. John Q. Tullius - Animation designer
Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate.
Gott gab den Engeln Flügeln und den Menschen Schokolade.
In the cookies of life friends are the chocolate chips.
And above all: Think chocolate!
Win ganz herzliches Dankeschön den Sammlern auf der Seite „schokoladeselbermacheninfo.de“
The CocoaTree at Heaven's Gate just one step away from Paradise Lost
arbitrary flowers set on the bark all around the year - endless 12 months
wandering souls touch them and they turn into cocoafruits
but - some flowers
kissed by celestial storms only fall from the cocoatree into space and make a beautiful moment of eternal light burnt in some seconds into some atmosphere
however travellers to heaven's gate pick the cocoabeans from fallen cocoafruits ripened and transformed from space and time
eating them they enter and unite the lost food from heaven to eternal paradise
so - catch the spark!
Fligender Fisch
Gute Schokolade am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen!
Helmar Aufischer, Grazer Chocolatier
If there is no chocolate in heaven - I am not going. Jane Seabrook
After eating choclate you feel godlike, as though you can conquer enemies, lead armies, entice lovers... Emily Luchetti, American cook
existiert -
einfach so.
Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate.
Grand Tour de Fusion
The Melting Pot
to give existence to
Trace a star and draw a line in chocolate
The Penguin
Glacial survivor Most efficient energy storing system: depot in mantle layers as proviant for growing up to prevent nervous breakdowns.
Survives in ice-cold environments.
Im Schokosee-Aquarium
schwimmt ein Schokofisch herum,
flinker als ein Blitz.
Wie kann man ihn wohl fangen?
Mit langen süßen Stangen
aus leckerem Lakritz!
(Text: Salah Naoura | www.salah-naoura.de)
In the cocoasea-bassin
was some chocolatefish racin'
faster than a flash.
how to get a grip on him?
With some candy long and thin
made of licorice!
Grand Tour de Fusion
The Melting Pot
to give existence to
Trace a star and draw a line in chocolate
Grand Tour de Fusion
The Melting Pot
to give existence to
Trace a star and draw a line in chocolate
I owe it all to little chocolate donuts. John Belushi
Chocolaterie Estrellas
Akazienstraße 21 | 10823 Berlin
Telefon 030 - 789 56 646
E-Mail esther@estrellas-chocolaterie.com
Montag - Freitag 10 - 18 | Samstag 11 - 15
Finanzamt Berlin Schöneberg
Steuernummer: 18/377/00327
1 Euro Things
Little weisze elefant dares to enter
the Chocolaterie… and finds out:
it is not so expensive after all !
Little bags for € 1 - little things - but good!
Now he lives there - permanently!
Gott gab den Engeln Flügeln und den Menschen Schokolade.
Centre Protective du Animalité et Genealité du CC - corps chocolat
Abseits der Milchstraße
Zur Rettung von Hasenwürde, Fellstruktur und Zipfelmütze
Off the Milky Main Road
Preserve the symbolic value of chocolate figures:
Fertilité! Luminité! Vitalité!
Fruchtbarkeit! Licht! Leben!